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Your Guide to Airsoft Hand Grenades!

Published 2024-03-18 by Tyler J.

What are some of the best airsoft grenades?

Many first person shooter video games include a grenade in your player’s kit for a reason. Some situations on the battlefield are best dealt with a round-the-corner blast that can take out a room of players with ease. By doing so, you minimize exposure of your person while considerably reducing the threat in the room ahead. Though perfect situations to use a grenade can be rare, having at least one on your kit will keep you ready as the perfect tactical asset in case the need arises.

It’s important to note that each airsoft field will also have its own set of rules and regulations regarding what grenades can or can’t be used. For example, dry outdoor airsoft fields with vegetation will usually prohibit the use of pyrotechnics and indoor facilities will almost always ban the use of smoke grenades. Check in with your local airsoft field about what grenades are allowed before picking up a bunch of boom devices you can’t use. In this article, we’ll take a look at a wide variety of airsoft grenade options to help you decide what is best for your field, budget, and needs!

Spring Grenades

Coming in as the least expensive option for bringing a boom to your next airsoft match are the 6mmProShop airsoft spring grenades! These sub ~$30 spring-sploders are pretty neat if you’re looking to test how a grenade would fit into your kit without dropping the full investment into other more expensive reusable grenades. They’re not too loud, super easy to use, and need no additional accessories to operate. By twisting open their bottom hatch, you can fill them with up to 250 BBs. The spring-powered flippers on the side will detonate on heavy impact, catapulting the housed BBs in a solid 5 ft radius around the impact.

The spring-powered flippers of the 6mmProShop grenade!

As the most economical option on the list, there’s a few concessions to be made with these. Compared to some of the gas-powered options later on in this article, these spring grenades might not fling BBs quite as far. For getting the most range out of them I recommend filling them halfway and using 0.12 BBs to get the greatest distance. The impact needed to generate an actual explosion is pretty significant as well. A gentle toss might not be enough to set off the unit’s internal switch. If you’re simply looking to give grenades a good fun trial, these might be the perfect pick for you!

If you like spring operation but want something a little more realistic looking, checkout the Skyway grenade!

Gas Grenades: BB Sprayers

Spring propulsion not quite getting you the BB boom you’re looking for? Allow me to introduce you to the world of Gas Impact grenades, which unleash a far more substantial storm upon your enemies. To operate these grenades, you’ll need a speedloader to fill the BB dispersal outlet and a can of green gas to pressurize the internal system. Simply pull the pin, toss it against a hard surface, and watch as the Storm 360 rapidly spins, sending out a torrent of plastic shrapnel in a decently commendable blast radius. While spring grenade systems might gently “pour” BBs onto your foes, these gas models actually unleash their load with enough force to indicate a solid hit. You’ll have far more targets calling their hit with these bad boys!

Due to their popularity in casual airsoft play, many companies have produced their own iteration of the gas BB grenade system. Here are a few of my favorites!

Sound Grenades: Thunder Bs

While BB spraying grenades can be a more concrete way to mark someone as “hit,” many of their designs stray pretty far from realism. Real grenades aren’t spinny neon trinkets! When the image of a grenade comes to mind, you’re probably picturing something more along the lines of this:

If immersion is your goal, there are few available options better than the legendary APS Thunder B. Their half-consumable nature also make them a surprisingly economic option, as the hard plastic shells are the only part you’ll need to replace after use. The reusable core comes in at under $30, and the single use shells come in as low as $18 for a pack of 12. So long as you’re not taking on the role as a full grenadier, you’ll probably spend more on BBs in a day than you will on these. Not bad for one of the coolest looking grenade options

Priming the Thunder B is simple: Use the included pin on the top of the grenade to ensure the knocker is locked in place with the spoon (Yes, the angled black piece is called a spoon. I wouldn’t recommend it for eating cereal though.) Next, unscrew the silver base on the core and insert a single 12g CO2 cartridge. Screw it back together and your core will be fully operational. Simply screw the grenade casing of your choice onto the core and behold the explosive power in your hands, as your Thunder B is ready to roll! Pulling the pin will cause the knocker to let pressure from the CO2 capsule build up in the plastic casing, generating enough pressure to let out a substantial blast. There’s no pyrotechnics or shrapnel to it!

Not sold on the standard pineapple grenade design? APS has a plethora of Thunder B casings to ensure your grenade design will match your kit aesthetic perfectly!

Sound Grenades: Distraction Device

Looking for a cleaner alternative to typical airsoft grenades? One of the newest additions to the airsoft grenade market are the unique Sound Flash grenades, which beam an ultrabright LED and blast a noise loud as a car horn to disorient your enemies. They’re as annoying as they sound, but that initial startle might just be the edge you need to gain the upper hand in the fight. So long as it keeps a charge, these soundflash grenades can be used time and time again without need for consumable accessories. Not every field might count this as a “grenade,” however. In my experience, airsoft fields typically enact a 10ft kill radius for typical sound grenades, but the lack of a characteristic “BOOM” might not check the boxes for certain places. Check in with your local field if you plan to do more than distract with one of these!

The Graveyard

Many of airsoft’s most fun grenades have unfortunately been lost to time due to changes in local legislation. I won’t be able to go too far into detail on them since we no longer carry them, but I thought they at least deserved a section in memoriam.

A moment of silence for the Enola Gaye EG67s, which were single use pyrotechnic grenades that unleashed a torrent of BBs and a massive blast.

A moment of silence for the Taginn FPG-6s, which were single use pyrotechnic flashbangs watered down for training use.

A moment of silence for the TRMRs, which were reusable sound grenades that consumed 12 gauge blanks.

Alas, they were too fun for this hobby.

The extra combat utility a grenade provides can make you an invaluable asset on the airsoft battlefield. Engagements previously thought unapproachable can have a new angle to advance from. You might not find that perfect grenade moment on every day of play, but when you do you’ll have a squad wipe to remember for years to come. Expand your tactical advantage today with one of our grenades from!
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